h3 – this is a section title

h4 – This is a section subtitle

This is the standard body text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras dapibus vulputate eu pretium. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras dapibus vulputate eu pretium. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras dapibus vulputate eu pretium.

Secondary Section Title

Button text here! Button text here!

gcom_frame 1-over-2 shortcode


[gcom_frame type=”1-over-2″ text-columns=”1″ layout=”right” image1=”/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/CKCollageTall3.jpg” image2=”/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/CKCollageShort3.png” image3=”/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/CKShortCollage.png”]Put in your content as usual in here, including any shortcodes or formatting tags you want.[/gcom_frame]


  • type: “1-over-2”, meaning one big image over two smaller ones. Overall intended height around 1000px.
  • layout (optional, default is right): “right” or “left”, meaning whether the images are to the right of the text block or to the left. You don’t have to change anything else in the layout, just this one value, to move the photo block from one side to the other.
  • text-columns (optional, default is 1): How many columns you want to break the text into.
  • image1: The tall image on top.
  • image2: The small image on the left.
  • image3: The small image on the right.

This content frame is intended for cases where you have a fairly lengthy block of text; though the images will always scale to fit the height of the text block, the layout doesn’t look as good with just a few lines of copy.

Maecenas pulvinar ut velit vel tristique. Phasellus lacinia felis neque, sed bibendum felis lacinia nec. Suspendisse consequat lorem nisi, lacinia tincidunt eros efficitur eu. Etiam vel diam lectus. Nullam nec turpis in justo faucibus pellentesque in non sem. Pellentesque urna enim, hendrerit sed varius non, volutpat sed leo. Morbi aliquam velit at quam bibendum iaculis vel et purus. Nulla placerat nibh turpis, a maximus libero ullamcorper fermentum. Vivamus ut venenatis mauris. Nam lacinia eleifend dui vitae varius. Suspendisse gravida urna quis elit aliquet aliquam. Nulla pellentesque odio in urna egestas tempor. Donec ut semper lacus, a sagittis tellus.

Nulla facilisi. Phasellus neque dui, finibus ac libero et, molestie suscipit urna. Vivamus auctor tristique risus, ut eleifend urna aliquet sit amet. Praesent ultricies vestibulum justo, pretium dictum mi mollis in. Sed lectus metus, mattis in ullamcorper sit amet, vehicula et sapien. Mauris id nunc ornare, sollicitudin felis ut, rhoncus lectus. Curabitur vulputate mi a arcu fermentum, vitae pulvinar risus elementum.

Cras lacinia sapien quis orci malesuada aliquam. Vivamus non magna fringilla, elementum risus nec, ullamcorper ipsum. Phasellus purus lectus, mollis id pulvinar sit amet, rutrum sed nibh. Quisque sed felis finibus, finibus mi ac, consequat augue. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla dignissim, magna sed vulputate tincidunt, leo tellus vulputate enim, auctor cursus ex nunc sit amet tellus. Praesent ornare tellus sit amet est aliquam vestibulum.

Duis ut viverra nisl. Morbi sagittis tincidunt finibus. Vestibulum scelerisque luctus diam, eu dictum erat posuere nec. Vivamus non leo gravida, pharetra purus in, porta odio. Proin non dictum nulla, vitae finibus tortor. Maecenas ultricies eros sapien, dictum convallis quam consectetur sit amet. Pellentesque lacus velit, ullamcorper quis lectus eu, aliquam cursus purus. Donec pharetra sem lorem, ac luctus nulla eleifend non.

gcom_frame 1-over-2-short shortcode


[gcom_frame type=”1-over-2-short” text-columns=”1″ layout=”right” image1=”/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/CKCollageTall3.jpg” image2=”/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/CKCollageShort3.png” image3=”/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/CKShortCollage.png”]Put in your content as usual in here, including any shortcodes or formatting tags you want.[/gcom_frame]


  • type: “1-over-2-short”, meaning one wide image over two narrower ones, but they are all the same height. Intended overall height: 670px.
  • layout (optional, default is right): “right” or “left”, meaning whether the images are to the right of the text block or to the left. You don’t have to change anything else in the layout, just this one value, to move the photo block from one side to the other.
  • text-columns (optional, default is 1): How many columns you want to break the text into.
  • image1: The tall image on top.
  • image2: The small image on the left.
  • image3: The small image on the right.

This content frame is intended for cases where you have a relatively short block of text; though the images will always scale to fit the height of the text block, the layout doesn’t look as good with lots of lines of copy.

Lorem ipsum uis ut viverra nisl. Morbi sagittis tincidunt finibus. Vestibulum scelerisque luctus diam. Vestibulum scelerisque luctus diam, eu dictum erat posuere nec. Vivamus non leo gravida, pharetra purus in, porta odio. Proin non dictum nulla, vitae finibus tortor.

gcom_frame 1-big shortcode


[gcom_frame type=”1-big” text-columns=”2″ layout=”right” image1=”/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/CKCollageTall3.jpg”]Put in your content as usual in here, including any shortcodes or formatting tags you want.[/gcom_frame]


  • type: “1-big”, one big image the same height as the text column. Intended overall height: 670px.
  • text-columns (optional, default is 1): How many columns you want to break the text into.
  • layout (optional, default is right): “right” or “left”, meaning whether the images are to the right of the text block or to the left. You don’t have to change anything else in the layout, just this one value, to move the photo block from one side to the other.
  • image1: The one big image, which will scale to be the height of the text column.

This content frame is intended for cases where you have a relatively short block of text with one big image to the side.

Lorem ipsum uis ut viverra nisl. Morbi sagittis tincidunt finibus. Vestibulum scelerisque luctus diam. Vestibulum scelerisque luctus diam, eu dictum erat posuere nec. Vivamus non leo gravida, pharetra purus in, porta odio. Proin non dictum nulla, vitae finibus tortor.

gcom_frame 1-big-banner shortcode


[gcom_frame type=”1-big-banner” text-columns=”2″ image1=”/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/CKCollageTall3.jpg”]Put in your content as usual in here, including any shortcodes or formatting tags you want.[/gcom_frame]


  • type: “1-big-banner”, one big image the same height as the text column. Banner height is hard-set to 450px.
  • text-columns (optional, default is 1): How many columns you want to break the text into.
  • layout The layout parameter is ignored for this content frame — the banner image only goes at the top.
  • image1: The one big image, 100% width and 450px high.

This content frame is intended for cases where you have a fairly lengthy block of text, usually with 2 columns, and a single large featured image that’s full width. With just a short block of copy, the image will overwhelm the layout. Any H1 line in the copy will be styled in white over the top banner image.

Maecenas pulvinar ut velit vel tristique. Phasellus lacinia felis neque, sed bibendum felis lacinia nec. Suspendisse consequat lorem nisi, lacinia tincidunt eros efficitur eu. Etiam vel diam lectus. Nullam nec turpis in justo faucibus pellentesque in non sem. Pellentesque urna enim, hendrerit sed varius non, volutpat sed leo. Morbi aliquam velit at quam bibendum iaculis vel et purus. Nulla placerat nibh turpis, a maximus libero ullamcorper fermentum. Vivamus ut venenatis mauris. Nam lacinia eleifend dui vitae varius. Suspendisse gravida urna quis elit aliquet aliquam. Nulla pellentesque odio in urna egestas tempor. Donec ut semper lacus, a sagittis tellus.

Nulla facilisi. Phasellus neque dui, finibus ac libero et, molestie suscipit urna. Vivamus auctor tristique risus, ut eleifend urna aliquet sit amet. Praesent ultricies vestibulum justo, pretium dictum mi mollis in. Sed lectus metus, mattis in ullamcorper sit amet, vehicula et sapien. Mauris id nunc ornare, sollicitudin felis ut, rhoncus lectus. Curabitur vulputate mi a arcu fermentum, vitae pulvinar risus elementum.

Cras lacinia sapien quis orci malesuada aliquam. Vivamus non magna fringilla, elementum risus nec, ullamcorper ipsum. Phasellus purus lectus, mollis id pulvinar sit amet, rutrum sed nibh. Quisque sed felis finibus, finibus mi ac, consequat augue. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla dignissim, magna sed vulputate tincidunt, leo tellus vulputate enim, auctor cursus ex nunc sit amet tellus. Praesent ornare tellus sit amet est aliquam vestibulum.

Duis ut viverra nisl. Morbi sagittis tincidunt finibus. Vestibulum scelerisque luctus diam, eu dictum erat posuere nec. Vivamus non leo gravida, pharetra purus in, porta odio. Proin non dictum nulla, vitae finibus tortor. Maecenas ultricies eros sapien, dictum convallis quam consectetur sit amet. Pellentesque lacus velit, ullamcorper quis lectus eu, aliquam cursus purus. Donec pharetra sem lorem, ac luctus nulla eleifend non.

Content Header

Content Section Header

Row NYC has pioneered a new era of individuality among Times Square hotels by meeting NYC’s signature urban grit with grandeur. Row NYC transforms your New York city stay into a completely contemporary experience – with a front row view to Times Square that’s truly incomparable. Outside the hotel, guests have access to anything and everything Times Square has to offer – 24/7. Inside, the Row NYC is a medley of inspired New York City amenities.

Row NYC set out to revolutionize the traditional hotel stay by cultivating a dynamic dining experience. The Row NYC hotel is home to Times Square’s first indoor food market, City Kitchen, where guests can delight in the city’s best dishes – without having to travel to taste them. City Kitchen features seven of New York’s most buzzed about restauranteurs, each bringing their most crave-worthy dish to the table. Signature items include: The Manhattan roll from Azuki sushi; dulce de leche doughnuts by Dough; lobster rolls from Luke’s Lobster; Whitmans’ “Juicy Lucy” burger; duck shawarma from ilili Box; Gabriela’s fish tacos; and ramen bowls by Kuro Obi – Ippudo’s new concept developed exclusively for City Kitchen.

When visiting New York City, coffee and pizza are a must. District M, located in Row NYC, is a european express café by day and Neapolitan pizza bar by night. In the morning guests can enjoy La Colombe coffee and pastries from New York’s finest bakeries, Payard, Balthazar and Pain d’Avignon. At night, District M dishes out hand-stretched Neapolitan pizza paired with a select wine, beer and cocktail menu.

Row NYC understands how important convenient access to fitness and beauty amenities are when looking for a place to stay. Cyc Fitness and Glam&Go take residence inside the Row NYC hotel just beneath City Kitchen. Guests can take part in two experiences that have taken New York by storm – indoor cycling and beauty bars!

In a city that prides itself on never sleeping, the Row NYC keeps guests connected with a state of the art iMac internet lounge and access to hi-speed wifi.

Explore the very best of New York City – inside and outside the Row NYC hotel!

Heading 1

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Heading 3

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Heading 5
Heading 6

Default Style Button: Button

“outline” Style Button: Button

“frontpage” Style Button: Button

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Bold Italics Bold-Italics

  • Bulleted list 1
  • Bulleted list 2
  • Bulleted list 3
  1. Numbered list 1
  2. Numbered list 2
  3. Numbered list 3

This is a block quote.

And an HR:

Some links, and here.

Testing Shortcodes:

First column (6/6/12)
Second column (6/6/12)
Accordion Title